Friday, April 03, 2015

The Drought in California

When I went to Sacramento last August, California was in its drought. I remember brilliantly sunny skies, but it was never blazingly hot, as we were told to expect. And now there is even less water. (I still plan to write about my trip. It's too significant not to.)

Residents Conserving Water During Drought.


Hattie said...

Do write about it! I'm really eager to get your perspective.
As to the drought: Although I believe in climate change, droughts are a regular feature of the California climate. There was a very bad one in the 80's that hardly anyone seems to remember.

Ingineer66 said...

There was a worse drought in the 70's and a minor one in the 00's. The problem is that there are a lot more people here than there were in the 70's but there has been almost no growth in the water supply because the environmentalists have stopped all the proposed projects.

Last year when people were asked to conserve, every county in the state reduced their water usage except Los Angeles where usage went up 5%.