Monday, March 02, 2015

Ethel Stansfield Peck: Zero-Waste Pioneer; Kunstler: Heroes and Villains

Kunstler discusses heroes and villains. I maintain a list of scoundrels on this blog; they range from the ordinarily cloddish to the truly malicious. And though I don't have a list of them, I occasionally mention people who do commendable things. On that note, may I present the late Ethel Stansfield Peck. Although she died in 2000 at age 91, Mrs. Peck is and should be remembered for her zero-waste way of life, which she led just because she believed in it.

Kunstler: Heroes and Villains.


Hattie said...

You are the only person I know who truly walks the talk on environmentalism!

Poppa Zao said...

Thank you. I think the big issue for us on the island is waste management. There has to be more diversion of material from the landfills. It's good to know the mayor decided to cancel his proposal for an incinerator.

As for peak oil: The glut of oil and natural gas from fracking, shale and tar-sands extraction, and even offshore drilling leads oil cornucopians to smugly declare peak oil isn't real. It seems to me we're near or at the peak already.