Monday, February 23, 2009

Congratulations, Slumdog Millionaire!

Don't overlook the little guy.

5 March update:

I found this comment on Philip Weiss's blog:

This is not a political film. It's a romance about destiny. And the dignity it has lent the poor of Mumbai is an achievement that compares with Dickens's treatment of the London slums or Van Gogh's and Millet's paintings of country people, which were considered inappropriate subjects at the time.

As for those who dismiss Slumdog as "poverty porn", I assume none of them are actually from the slums.
20 March update: I looked at the 12 October issue of USA Weekend, which briefly reviewed the major movies to be released in late 2008. Slumdog Millionaire was not mentioned at all, despite its limited release date of 12 November and its wide release date of 25 December.

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