Foreshadowing in this 2007 issue of the Hawaii Island Journal.
The cover article in the 10-23 March 2007 issue of the Hawaii Island Journal (pictured), "Corporate Media," by HIJ editor Peter Serafin, deals with pseudo-alternative papers, and mentions the Big Island Weekly, which had debuted a few months before. Serafin also points out that "newsgathering resources are being cut at unprecedented rates, and the quality of information available to citizens has suffered.
"A local example: Using the industry's standard ratio to determine the number of editorial staffers a newspaper needs to serve a given number of readers, Stephens Media's Hawaii Tribune-Herald is understaffed. This means HT-H staff reporters don't always have time to be as thorough as they'd like, and some stories aren't covered as well as well as they could be--if they're covered at all. There simply aren't enough people to do the work."
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