Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Ever-Evolving List of Links

Archiseek, Institute for Classical Architecture and Classical America, The, Jackie Craven, Space and Culture

Above the Law, Durham-in-Wonderland, Federal Judicial Center, FindLaw's Writ

Book Reviews
Bookforum, Booklist, Bookslut, Choice, Complete Review, The, Danny Yee, Dublin Review of Books, FindLaw's Writ: Book Reviews, H-Net Reviews, Holt Uncensored Book Reviews, J. Peder Zane, Kirkus Reviews Online, Latin American Review of Books, The, Literary Lotus (Hawaii focus), London Review of Books, Mises Review, The, NewPages Book Reviews, New York Review Of Books, The, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Powell's Review-a-Day, Sentences (Harper's Magazine) Voice Literary Supplement

Comics and Cartoons
Alan Moore Interview Index, Batocchio's Right Wing Cartoon Watch, Black Sheep's Footrot Flats Page, BritishComics.com, ComicsResearch.org, Jess Nevins's Comic Book Annotations,
Madam and Eve

CraftZine, Interweave Press, On Letterpresses, Wiki for Crafts

Culture, General
Afronerd, Arts and Letters Daily, Autodidact Project, The, City Review, The, Dynamist, FREEWilliamsburg, HiLoBlog, Lileks.com, Partial Observer, The, Paul Graham, PopMatters, Real Art, Sampaloc Toc, Sepia Mutiny, The, Sign and Sight, Snobsite, Teeming Brain, The, Thomas Frank, Time Goes By, 2Blowhards, Vanity Fair

Culture, Hawaiian and Local
HawaiiThreads, HI Art Magazine, Honolulu Agonizer, Ulukau, Yamanakanaau.com

Economics and Finance
Deal Breaker, How the World Works, Investopedia, Measuring Worth, Polyconomics, Wall $treet Folly, Whiskey and Gunpowder

Chalkdust, Colleges That Change Lives, Inside Higher Ed, John Taylor Gatto, John Holt, Seminario Permanente de Teoría y Crítica, University of Hawaii-Manoa Media Log

Fashion and Appearance
Ask Andy About Clothes, Beard Revue, Beauty Tips for Ministers, Costumes.org, Fashionable Academic, The, Get Kempt, GQ Styleguy Shoes, La Bricoleuse, Lei Chic, Manolo's Shoe Blogs, Materialist, The, Mustaches of the Nineteenth Century, MyFashionCents, Sartorialist, The, Savoir Vivre New York, StyleForum.net, Suitable Wardrobe, A, Textile Blog, The, Uniwatch Blog, Uomo Classico

Fiction and Literature
Dalkey Archive, Fantastic Victoriana, Flashquake, Little Professor, The, Locus Online, Modern Fiction Studies, Not an Exit, Paradox: The Magazine of Historical and Speculative Fiction, Science Fiction Studies, This Space, Three Percent, Uchronia.net

Cakehead, eGullet, Food Portal (Wikipedia), Food Reference, Foody, The, FreeRangeGourmet, Grits, Indian Foods, Mr. Breakfast, Retro-Food, Uncle Phaedrus, Finder of Lost Recipes

Frugal and Green Living
Carfree, City Hippy, Freegan, Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives, Great Green Goods, Grist, Radical Frugality, Simple Living America, Suburban Scavenger, Treehugger, Wastrel Show, Wisebread, Zero Waste Alliance

Gardening and Landscaping
Garden Design Online, Garden Rebel, Plants for a Future, PlantZAfrica

German Matters
Dialog International, German Historical Institute, Tradition und Leben

Grammar, Editing, Typography, and Journalism
After Deadline,
Big Island Press Club, BookDesignReview, The, BuzzMachine, Council of National Journalism Organizations, Double-Tongued Dictionary, Edward Tufte, Form of News wiki, Fowler, FreeDaily, GlobalJournalist, Graphic Sociology, Hawaii Publishers Association, Maggie Media, New York Review of Magazines, The, Newsdesigner.com, Newseum's World Front Pages, Newsthinking, Nieman Narrative Digest, OldPapers.org, PoynterOnline, Slot, The, Typographica,
Under Consideration, Underground Grammarian, The, Weblogs of UNC Journalism School

History, Anthropology, and Sociology
American Men's Studies Association, Archaeological Survey of India, Axis Europa, BundesArchiv, Contexts (American Sociological Association, Cranky Sociologists, The (formerly at Global Sociology), German Propaganda Archive, History News Network, International Studies Association, Internet Sacred Text Archive, The, Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Lapham's Quarterly, National Women's Studies Association, The, Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology, The, Off the Wall (National Council on Public History), Religion in American History, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing, WikiHistory

Bloggasm, Blogger Blogs of Note, Cool Site of the Day, John Labovitz's E-Zine List, Radical Reference, Technorati

Libraries and Library Science
Connexions Information Sharing Services, Dewey Decimal System, Directory of Libraries in Hawaii, Hawaii State Public Library System, Internet Public Library, Librarian.net, LISNews, Shush.ws, U.H.H. Mookini Library Blog

Feminema, Film Metro ("the online source for information about free movie screenings tickets"), In70mm.com, Internet Movie Script Database, The, Kyonsi, MicroCinemaDVD.com, Midnight Eye, Movie Review Query Engine, OpenFlix, Pajiba, Revenge is My Destiny, Self-Styled Siren, Turner Classic Movies, TwitchFilm

All Music Guide, AlohaGotSoul.com, Chronicles of Chaos, Collectors' Choice Music, Discogs, Dusty Groove America, FluxBlog, FreeMuse.org, House Of Diabolique, I Was a Teenage Chart Freak, Jonathan Coulton, Louder Than War, Metal Sucks, Murder Dog Magazine, Only Solitaire, Parterre Box, Progression Magazine, PW Archive, Rebel Frequencies, Rock & Rap Confidential, Seattle Sound, Silent Ballet, The, Slipcue, Ugly Things, WARR

Peak Oil
Club Orlov, Life After the Oil Crash, Mike Ruppert, Sharon Astyk

Veterinary News Network, The

Wikipedia Photography Portal

American Poetry Review, The, Bob Grumman's Comprepoetica, Electronic Poetry Center, Minimalist Concrete Poetry, New Formalist, The, RamblingRose.com Poetry Resources, Ron Silliman, Scorecard, Sharpsand, Terminal Chaosity

Air America Radio, Hawaii Public Radio, J.P. Muntal Honolulu Radio Show, The, MarksFriggin.com, Radio America, Radio Equalizer, Radio Locator, Talkers Magazine, Transom.org

New York Social Diary, SocialRegisterOnline, The Times Court and Social Section

Armed Forces Sports, Asia League Ice Hockey, Basketball Comics, BP Sports, CasteFootball, Cosellout, Deadspin, Edge of Sports, E-Lacrosse, FanBase.com, HondaReport.com: Talkstory Central for Hawaii's Sports Fans!, L'Equipe, Mediasoftball.net, New York Corporate Athletic League, The, Newspaper Sports Pages, Polynesian Football News, SportsBlogs.org, Starting Five, The, Wikipedia Sports and Games Portal

Brilliant But Cancelled, British Sitcom Guide, The, Current.tv, Degrassi.tv, Degrassi: Extra Credit, DramaWiki, FORA.tv, IGN TV, Minisode Network, The, Newshounds, Simpsons Archive, The, Something Old, Nothing New, TV Tropes.org, Vice Broadcasting System

Travel and Regional Flavor
AllAfrica.com, Ask the Pilot, Detroit Blog, Far Outliers, German Joys, Hawaiirama, Library Hotel, The, Pacific Islands Report, Southernbyways, Today's Deep South, Tokyo Journal, YouTube Travel and Places

Political News and Views

Across the Spectrum
Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, Anarchism + Race, Anarchist Writers, Ann Althouse, Antiwar, Bad Eagle, Baptist Planet, Black Commentator, The, Blackfive, Blue Dog Coalition, The, Brendan Nyhan, Chicago Boyz, Classical Values, CounterCurrents, CounterPunch, Crunchy Con (see also Rod Dreher's Dallas Morning News columns) , Deliberate Agrarian, The, Dennis Perrin, Dissident Voice, Dougout, The, English Independence Party, The, Evangelical Outpost, FireDogLake, First Amendment Project, The, First Principles Journal, Francis Wayland Institute, The, FromThe Bleachers, FrontPage, Gay Patriot, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Hip Hop Republican, Huffington Post, The, Ilana Mercer, Index on Censorship, InstaPundit, James Howard Kunstler, James Lileks, Jesse Walker, JesusManifesto, Kat's Korner of the Common Ills, Larry Flynt, Lawns to Gardens, Lew Rockwell, Lila Rajiva, Lila Rajiva at MindBodyPolitic.com, Louis Proyect, Max Blumenthal, Middle American News, Middlebury Institute, The, MIM (Maoist International Movement, The), Moderate Voice, The, Monarchist, The, Mondoweiss, Monkey Smashes Heaven, MR (Monthly Review) Zine, Mudville Gazette, Mutualist Blog, New Agrarian, The, Op-For, Peter Hitchens, Prison Legal News, Praxeology.net, Professor Zero, ProPublica, Public Eye, Racism Review, Rachel's Tavern, RealChange.org's Skeleton Closet, Rebellion, Ridenbaugh Press, Rittenhouse Review, The, Rob Schumacher, Rothbard Caucus, Samizdata.net, Steve Sailer, Stop Me Before I Vote Again, Strike the Root, Surfeited With Dainties, Swans, Taki's Top Drawer, Tech Central Station, Think Progress, Thousand Nations, A, Tory Anarchist, The, Volokh Conspiracy, The, Washington Babylon, World Socialist Web Site

Politics in General
Campaigns and Elections,
Politics1.com, Parties Worldwide, Politics Portal (Wikipedia)

Politics in Hawaii
All Hawaii News, Alan McNarie, Big Island Chronicle, Capsun's Corner, Damon Tucker, Disappeared News, Environment Hawaii, Gary L. Hooser, Global Hope, Hamakua Times, Hardball Hawaii, Hattie's Web, Hawaii Election Watch, Hawaii Free Press, HawaiiIndependent.com, The, Hawaii Land Use, Hawaii Legal News, Hawaii Matters, HawaiiPoliticalInfo, Hawaii Right to Life--Hilo Chapter, HawaiiReporter.com, Hawaii State Majority Caucus, Hawaii Sunshine Chronicles, HawaiianKingdom, Ilind, Island Breath, KauaiEclectic, Kauai Politics, Kenneth R. Conklin, Kona Blog, The, Kona Blog (new), The, Kubehead, Maile Shimabukuro, Malu Aina, MaoliNews, Midweek.com Political Columns, Once Upon a Krischel, OSHawaii.net, Pablo Wegesend, ParxNewsDaily, Poinography, Progressive Democrats of Hawaii, Smatter of Opinion, SusHI: Sustainability in Hawaii, Tax Foundation of Hawaii, The, Toward Freedom, Your Chore

Amazing Things, Armageddon Online, Baptist Blogs and Bloggers, Can It Happen Here?, City Comforts Blog, Daddy Types, Don Aslett, Early Office Museum, The, Foot Talk, Hard Crackers, Hawaii Venture Capital Association, Houseblogs, International Brain Research Organization, Markets of New York, MidlifeCrisis Hawaii, Mo!, Paleo-Future, RetroThing, Ritter Antik, USA Cops, Victorian Database, Wikidumper Defunct but Not Forgotten

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for providing this valuable resource.