Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Stanford students call for full divestment from the fossil fuel industry. (As Kunstler has said, it will be less feasible to extract fossil fuels, especially oil, and society will feel the effects.)

Depending on where you stand, this will thrill or appall you. The Koch intelligence agency.


Ingineer66 said...

The Stanford item cracks me up. My brother in law is a big shot at Duke and the feel good crowd wanted to get off coal fired electricity. After he told them it would cost a few hundred million dollars, they changed their tune.

Ingineer66 said...

In my local town a family left a high dollar piece of commercial property to the local college. The long time tenant was a Chevron gas station. Since oil and cars are evil, the university kicked the gas station out and the property sat vacant for about 10 years then became a Hollywood Video. Now it has been vacant for 5 or 6 years after they closed. Such a waste of what could have brought in a lot of money to the university.