Thursday, December 10, 2015

Looking Askance

at this: "Nuclear Power as 'The New Green.'"

The late Alexander Cockburn, who was a global warming denialist, warned that "the American nuclear regulatory commission has speeded up its process of licensing; there is an imminent wave of nuclear plant building. Many in the nuclear industry see in the story about CO2 causing climate change an opportunity to recover from the adverse publicity of Chernobyl."

Cockburn was also a publisher of the famous CounterPunch, which provided a venue for Harvey Wasserman, author of SOLARTOPIA!, which shows an alternative to both fossil fuels and nuclear power.

Here Wasserman interviews Ernest Callenbach, author of Ecotopia.


Hattie said...

I haven't thought about Cockburn for a long time. My memory of him and what he said has faded, pretty much.

Ingineer66 said...

I read a story this week that this nuke is green feeling has already faded and the last nuke plant in California will likely be mothballed sooner than expected. People say they want carbon friendly energy until you try to build a hydro power dam or solar farm or nuclear power plant then they decide they don't really want that either.

Hattie said...

What do people want? I'm always intrigued when I read statements like this about what people want and don't want. It seems that nothing can be done because people.

Ingineer66 said...

Loud people including a US Senator have tried to stop Hydro Dams, Solar Power Plants and Nuclear Power plants in California in the last two years. These are carbon friendly power sources that Climate Change experts have said that we need more of.