Monday, August 31, 2020
Kunstler: Bill of Particulars
< href="">Kunstler: Bill of Particulars.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Forthcoming Interview with Oliver Stone
Looking forward to releasing my interview with the legendary
We discuss his memoir “Chasing the Light”, his films including “Platoon,” “Scarface”, & “Salvador”, his work on Latin America, & the state of Hollywood today
Looking forward to releasing my interview with the legendary
We discuss his memoir “Chasing the Light”, his films including “Platoon,” “Scarface”, & “Salvador”, his work on Latin America, & the state of Hollywood today
Friday, August 07, 2020
Kunstler: Things Going By
Kunstler: Things Going By.
Hundreds of colleges and universities will be going out of business in the years ahead.
The outlook for the big centralized high schools is also pretty dark. The teachers’ unions’ insatiable needs are only part of the picture. Consolidating many smaller schools to save on administrative costs seemed like a good idea at the time. But we ended up with thousands of gigantic schools that looked like insecticide factories and felt like minimum security prisons. They all depend on the costly yellow bus fleets to collect the kids from far and wide. The whole scheme ended up as an elaborate day-care operation that actually retarded the development of young people into functional, autonomous adults.
Covid-19 and the economic collapse it triggered will put an end to all that. How will the school districts cope with an epic loss of tax revenue from all the homeowners defaulting on their mortgages? They won’t. Schooling will have to reorganize, and probably at a very grassroots level, with home-schools evolving into neighbor-pods of tiny schools, and only among parents who have the literacy and numeracy to pull it off. We’ll be lucky if, years from now, we’ll see something like local academies spring up that can handle a few hundred students. I’d also warn you about assuming that the Internet is a permanent installation of the human condition. It depends utterly on a pretty fragile electric grid. We do, after all, have libraries, and maybe they can be persuaded to stop trying to get rid of all their books.
These Covid months have prompted Americans to pass the idle hours of joblessness and anomie with Hollywood’s canned entertainments. Could that all be over, too? The theaters were already sucking wind before the virus landed — relying on an ever more brain-dead repetition of comic book movies — while the quality product moved to Cable TV. Now that’s saturated, with the newer product fermenting into garbage. But who is going to keep paying for all that with unemployment at 30 percent, and moving higher?
Are you already bored out of your skull with reruns of the old classics? People truly need narrative art forms to make sense of reality, but they have to be tuned to the times we live in. My bet would be on the eventual return of live theater on local stages for original stories keyed to the new post-collapse reality — which will not be understood via Star Wars or Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Broadway is finished, with its endless reiterations of old hits, and also, of course, because New York City itself is only beginning a long journey down the drain before it can be reorganized into a functioning entrepôt. I’ve got half a mind to invest in an outfit that can put on puppet shows in my little flyover town.
As you can surely tell by now, the trend is local and smaller for all of these things. That may even be true for national elections and the venerable thing called the United States of America. The Democratic Party was initially only striving for mere suicide, but lately it looks like they want to destroy the country altogether — and they may succeed beyond their wildest dreams. Fifty years from now, several separate American nations may be sending their own regional baseball league champions to some kind of World Series, if we’re not still at war with each other.
Tuesday, August 04, 2020
Earth, Wind & Fire, "And Love Goes On"
How is it that I'm hearing of this music only within the past week? How did such musical treasure as this fall into obscurity?
The B-sides:
"Win or Lose" (U.S.)
"Faces" (U.K.)
The B-sides:
"Win or Lose" (U.S.)
"Faces" (U.K.)
Monday, August 03, 2020
Saturday, August 01, 2020
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